Selection of (Deli × Angola Novo-Redondo) Selfed × La Mé Progenies for Improved Oil Palm Productivity

  •  Benjamin Adon    
  •  Claude Bakoumé    
  •  Jean Noel Konan    
  •  Sekou Diabaté    
  •  Benoît Cochard    
  •  Anatole Koutou    
  •  Didier Paulin Sokouri    


Introgression of Angola Novo-Redondo origin into the Deli origin was achieved for the first time in Côte d’Ivoire. Unfortunately, the genetic variability of (Deli × Angola Novo-Redondo) genitors selected was a challenge facing seed production. The best (Deli × Angola Novo-Redondo) genitor LM 5448 T was selfed expecting more stable genotypes for improved oil palm productivity. (Deli × Angola Novo-Redondo) selfed × La Mé progenies were planted at Ehania in Côte d’Ivoire. At maturity, they presented 8% rise over the controls’ mean (155.72 kg palm-1 yr-1) for total bunch weight (TBW). ANOVA revealed difference between (Deli × Angola Novo-Redondo) selfed genitors for bunch production, vertical growth rate, and bunch characteristics. DMRT showed that progenies overlapped each other indicating their genetic resemblance, a feature supported by the low CV values (3-8%) of all the parameters measured. Progenies LM 22723, LM 22835, and LM 23169 whose increase over controls’ means for TBW and bunch number were 11% and 12%, respectively, and whose mean Fusarium index was 56 should be selected for commercial seed production. Estimated breeding values of LM 15516 D and LM 15311T, Group A parents of the 3 progenies would help predicting planting materials’ performances.

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