Yield and Yield Components of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) as Affected by Rock Phosphate in Standoff Soil, Southern Alberta Canada
- Adebusoye O. Onanuga
- Roy Weasel Fat
- Roy M. Weasel Fat
An experiment was conducted in Standoff, Southern Alberta in April, 2020. The objective of the experiment was to investigate effect of rock phosphate organic fertilizer on growth and yield of potato crop grown in Standoff. The varying levels of rock phosphate were broadcasted into the soil at control (0 P Kg ha-1), Low P level (50 P Kg ha-1) and High P level (100 P Kg ha-1). The basal application of urea inform of nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 280 N Kg ha-1. Potato seeds were planted at a distance of 30 by 90 cm. The three treatments were replicated three times, resulting into nine plants. One plant was taken out of uniformly grown tallest plant in each of the treatment to measure yield parameters. The yield parameters collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) for separation of means. Results of the experiment indicated that High P and Low P rock phosphate fertilizer levels positively influenced weight of potatoes at 76 and 112 Days after sowing (DAS), respectively while High P rock phosphate fertilizer level got highest number of potatoes than Low P and control at 76 DAS. Furthermore, High P rock phosphate fertilizer level and control plots supported marketable number of potatoes at 76 DAS while High P rock phosphate fertilizer level favoured unmarketable number of potatoes at 112 DAS. It was quite obvious from the results that marketable weight of potatoes was positively influenced by High P rock phosphate level and Low P rock phosphate level at 76 and 112 DAS, respectively whereas unmarketable weight of potatoes was affected by High P rock phosphate fertilizer level at 112 DAS. These results revealed the beneficial use of rock phosphate for potato crop production