Ferralsol Porosity and Density After Mechanical Scarification and Crop Rotation Systems

  •  Monica C. Sustakowski    
  •  Edleusa P. Seidel    
  •  Renata F. Barabasz    
  •  Rayssa H. da Silva    
  •  Willian dos Reis    
  •  Juliano Zimmermann    
  •  Maria do C. Lana    


With intensive cultivation and the lack of crop rotation, the no-tillage system has been showing compacted areas. For its reduction, mechanical scarification and crop rotation has been recommended. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate in a no-tillage system the effect of mechanical scarification and crop rotation systems on soil porosity and density after 18 months. The experimental design used was randomized blocks in a split-plot scheme, with four replications. The main plots consisted of maintaining the no-tillage system and minimal soil preparation with a chisel, carried out before the cultivation of cover plants. The subplots were composed of different plant species grown in winter: wheat, consortium of forage pea + black oat and consortium of black oat + forage turnip. Both were succeeded by cultivation of soy and lupin. Macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity and bulk density were evaluated. After 18 months, the scarified soil showed a higher bulk density (0.10-0.15 m layer) when compared to the no-tillage system, demonstrating that this isolated decompression alternative does not improve the physical properties of the soil. The area in succession to oat + turnip/soybean/lupin showed lower bulk density.

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