Influence of Working Depth and Soil Type on Drawbar Performance of a Chisel Plow

  •  José F. Schlosser    
  •  Paula M. dos Santos    
  •  Daniela Herzog    
  •  Lucas S. da Rosa    
  •  Jaqueline Ottonelli    


With the aim of studying the drawbar performance and power required by a commercial chisel plow with five shanks, an experiment was carried out involving two soil types (sandy and clayey) and three working depths (0.25, 0.35 and 0.45 m). A farm wheeled tractor, properly sized by the raw power of the engine, pulled the equipment. An electronic instrumentation was used for data acquisition to measure the drawbar pull. Furthermore, in addition, four other parameters were determined, as real travel speed and slippage of the tractor. Chiseling operations showed no statistically significant effect of soil type on drawbar pull in the different working depths. However, clayey soil presented higher values of slippage (34.44%), power performance (47.25 kW) and drawbar pull (40.26 kN) than sandy soil.

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