Research on Advance of Rice False Smut Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke) Takah Worldwide: III. Infection Cycle and Invasion Mechanism of U. virens and Rice Resistance to RFS

  •  Shiwen Huang    
  •  Lianmeng Liu    
  •  Ling Wang    
  •  Yuxuan Hou    


In this part, the infection cycle and invasion mechanism of RFS, including the primary and secondary source of RFS infection. The factors affecting the disease occurrence and epidemiology, including the infection time and pathway, different conditions affecting the incidence of RFS, for example, the type of rice varieties and morphological characteristic, meteorological factors, environmental conditions, cultivation management, and amount of U. virens in the field. The mechanism of rice varieties’ resistance to RFS were also discussed, including morphological characteristics, and biochemical mechanism, resistance genes of rice.

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