Subdoses of Dicamba Herbicide on Yield Componentes in Function of the Soybean Growth Stage

  •  T. Schneider    
  •  M. A. Rizzardi    
  •  A. P. Rockenbach    
  •  S. T. Peruzzo    


Soybean cultivars without tolerance can suffer injury from exposure to tank herbicide residues. This study aimed at assessing the potential effects of the broad spectrum herbicide dicamba on sensitive soybean during its vegetative and reproductive stages. The trial was performed in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Six rates (1.4, 2.8, 5.6, 11.2, 16.8 and 28.0 g ae ha-1) of dicamba were applied at two soybean growth stages (V3 and R2). The soybeans were planted in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul state in 2015/16 agricultural year. The dicamba induced symptoms of soybean phytotoxicity showed a steady rise at all the assessment times. The soybean decreased in height as the subdose of the herbicide increased. Dicamba was observed to negatively affect the number of nodes alone, during the V3 and R2 stages. The grain yield was adversely affected at the 28.0 g ae ha-1 subdose, in the V3 application stage, and in response to the 16.8 and 28.0 g ae ha-1 subdoses in the R2 stage.

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