Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Yield and Quality of Basmati Rice Varieties

  •  Uppu Sai Sravan    
  •  Shiv Prakash Singh    


A 2-year study conducted to determine the effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of basmati rice varieties in non-traditional area with 54 plots in split plot design. Variety HUBR 10-9 produced 18.8% higher mean grain yield and superior quality parameters than HUBR 2-1. Mean milling, head rice recovery, amylose content and alkali digestion value noted higher with HUBR 10-9 by 4.1%, 4.1%, 8.5% and 15.1% over HUBR 2-1, respectively. Addition of 75% recommended dose of fertilizers with 25% recommended dose of nitrogen as farmyard manure produced higher mean values by 3.1%, 4.2% and 4.0% for hulling, milling and head rice recovery respectively over 100% recommended dose applied as inorganic sources. Combined use of bio-inoculants (blue green algae plus Azospirillum) exhibited higher values for yield and quality parameters. HUBR 10-9 be grown using 75% recommended dose of fertilizers with 25% nitrogen as farmyard manure and blue green algae plus Azospirillum for enhancement in yield and quality in non-traditional areas of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Further investigation required under diverse conditions.

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