The Extended Generalized Gamma Geometric Distribution
- Juliano Bortolini
- Marcelino A. Pascoa
- Renato de Lima
- Anderson Oliveira
We propose and study the so-called extended generalized gamma geometric distribution. The proposed distribution has five parameters and it can be accommodate increasing, decreasing, bathtub and unimodal shaped hazard functions. The new distribution has a large number of well-known lifetime special sub-models such as the generalized gamma geometric, Weibull geometric, gamma geometric, exponential geometric, Rayleigh geometric, half-normal geometric among others. We provide a mathematical treatment of the new distribution including explicit expressions for moments, moment generating function, mean deviations, reliability and order statistics. The method of maximum likelihood and a Bayesian procedure are adopted for estimating the model parameters. Finally, an application of the new distribution is illustrated in a real data sets.