Application of Discrete Regression Models for Analyzing K-8 Students Nonchronic Absenteeism in the United States

  •  Khairul Islam    
  •  Tanweer J. Shapla    


Absenteeism is a national crisis in the United States, and must be addressed adequately at the early stages or at its onset, to prevent consequential disaster and burden due to absenteeism. A pervasive and persuasive nonchronic absenteeism results in chronic absenteeism, and causes severe damage to students’ life, schools and societies. While a good number of articles address various issues relating to chronic absenteeism, no evidence of research exists investigating nonchronic absenteeism. The aim of this article is to investigate factors affecting nonchronic absenteeism in K-8 students in the United States by applying discrete regression models. Initially, we investigate K-8 students nonchronic absenteeism discrepancies due to socio-demographic and parental involvement factors via descriptive analysis and then employ Poisson and negative binomial regression models for exploring significant factors of K-8 nonchronic absenteeism. The findings of this study will be of great use to stakeholders in developing appropriate incentive measures for reducing nonchronic absenteeism early and thereby reducing chronic absenteeism.

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  • ISSN(Print): 1927-7032
  • ISSN(Online): 1927-7040
  • Started: 2012
  • Frequency: bimonthly

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