Analysis of Indonesian Islamic and Conventional Banking Before and After 2008

  •  Arfianti Anwar    


This study aims to analyze the performance of Islamic banks and conventional banks before and after the implementation of Islamic Banking Act 2008. The performance will be measured using CAMEL ratio selected. This research is considered essential in examining the positive contribution of the application of the Act to improve the performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. By using secondary data, this study compared the performance of Islamic banks with that conventional bank selected as samples during the study period. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for inter-temporal and Mann-Whitney test for inter-bank. Inter-temporal Tests conducted on Islamic Banking showed that a significant difference was only seen in the NPF ratio of 2 years before and after implementation of Islamic Banking Act. As for conventional banks showed a more diverse ie for 1 year before and after the application of the Law on Islamic Banking there are significant differences for the ROA and ROE, two years before and after implementation of the Law Islamic banking there are significant differences for the CAR, ROA, ROE and NIM and for the overall test a significant difference to CAR, ROA, ROE, NIM and efficiency. Inter-bank testing showed that prior to the application of Islamic Banking Act there are significant differences between conventional banks and Islamic banks to CAR, ROA and efficiency. Furthermore, after the application of Islamic Banking Act there is a significant difference for the CAR and LDR / FDR.

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