Performance Appraisal Model for Pension Fund: Before and After the Application of Good Pension Fund Governance in the Perspective of Political Economy of Accounting
- Achmad Firdiansjah
- Gaguk Apriyanto
This research has long-term objective to reconstruct performance appraisal model for pension fund by taking into account the fairness of distribution of power and wealth of related parties, namely the employers, pension fund trustees, and pension fund participants. The specific objective of this research was to elaborate the factors namely fairness of power and wealth distribution of related parties, namely the employers, pension fund trustees, and pension fund participants before and after the implementation of Good Pension Fund Governance (GPFG). This is a descriptive qualitative research by nature using the theory of critical paradigm of Political Economy of Accounting (PEA). Data collection technique in this study was carried out directly and indirectly on the Pension Fund of Merdeka University Malang, Central Association of Pension Fund Indonesia (ADPI), KOMDA VI East Java and surroundings, as well as the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Sources of data for this research were obtained from informants through observation and interviews in the form of both financial data and also non-financial. Results of this study are to formulate performance appraisal model for pension fund before GPFG where the fairness of power and wealth distribution of the employers, pension fund trustees and pension fund participants, including general management, administration of financial and participation as well as accounting and investments, while the formulation of the evaluation model of pension funds performance after GPFG where fairness of power and wealth distribution of the employers, pension fund trustees and pension fund participants including sixteen guidelines for the application of GPFG.