Moderating Effects of Media Coverage and Corporate Governance on CSR-CFP Nexus-Evidence from Listed Companies on Taiwan Stock Exchange
Media coverage helps firm’s benevolent action under the sunlight (well-known by the public). Effective CEO incentive compensation and sound corporate governance align the interest of management with the firm by forming correct and efficient decision on positive-feedback social activities. This paper examines whether media coverage, compensation and corporate governance act as positive moderators for the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance (CFP), namely, CSR-CFP nexus. Based on data of TWSE-listed companies during 2005-2009, regression result generally shows that higher CEO compensation strengthen positive relationship between firm’s CSR engagement and financial performance. Weaker corporate governance deteriorates positive CSR-CFP relationship. Media coverage has little influence on the relationship between CSR and CFP. Robustness checks such as fixed/random effect estimation, two-stage estimation and propensity score matching to control for selection bias yield similar outcome.