Stock Selection Based on Fundamental Analysis Approach by Grey Relational Analysis: A Case of Turkey
- Mehmet Bayramoglu
- Coskun Hamzacebi
Determining financial assets for investment is a significant problem for investors. Especially, since it is riskier in comparison with other financial assets, selecting common stock is not only important for investors but also, it is a complicated decision-making process, because, although they agree to accept a risk, common stock investors tend to keep the risk they undertake at a given level. With this purpose, investors prefer to conduct various analysis and predictions to decide which common stocks they will invest. In this study, by using micro and macro variables, which have been determined with a fundamental analysis approach, a common stock selection is conducted for nine different corporations doing activities in ten lines of business in Borsa Istanbul. In the study, Grey Relational Analysis (GRA), which is developed in the framework of Grey System Theory, is used as a mathematical model. Therefore, a conclusion is obtained about which parameters are more important in selecting a common stock, and the efficiency of GRA Method is tested.