Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade Flows: Evidence from China, Pakistan and India
- Sarfaraz Shaikh
- Ouyang Hongbing
This study examines the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on trade flows in case of China, Pakistan and India by using the time series data from 1980 to 2013. Most of the researchers have advocated that exchange rate volatility is negatively associated with general level of trade. In this study we have used the standard deviation of the moving average of the logarithm of the exchange rate as a proxy for volatility. And to investigate this relationship, we have applied the Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) approach for co-integration which estimates the short and long run relationship among the variables for the said period. The results of this empirical work have suggested that exchange rate volatility is negatively associated with Chinese exports in short run while positively associated in long run. However, in the case of Pakistan and India both in the short run and long run, the exchange rate volatility is negatively associated with total volume of trade.