Top Companies Ranking Based on Financial Ratio with AHP-TOPSIS Combined Approach and Indices of Tehran Stock Exchange - A Comparative Study
- Seyed-Hasan Hosseini
- Mohammad Esmaeil Ezazi
- Mohamad Rasoul Heshmati
- Seyed-Mohamad Reza Hosseini Moghadam
This paper aims to explore the relationship between ranking of the top-50 listed companies on Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) for the years 2009- 2011 in terms of their liquidity, operation, leverage and profitability ratios using combined AHP-TOPSIS approach and the ranking made by the stock exchange. Ranking of the companies on the stock exchange is done based on their state in terms of the above ratios and it serves as a criterion for decision making on investment. Using a questionnaire, views of experts, scholars and the capital market authorities on the effect of financial ratios were gathered and then using AHP- TOPSIS technique the companies were ranked based on these ratios. The obtained results from the Spearman Test show a weak correlation between the rankings based on AHP-TOPSIS approach and the ranking of the stock exchange. Finally, our results indicate that financial ratios of the top stock exchange selected companies are crucial factors in investment and ranking. This paper contributes to a signaled need for investigation on how and why financial statements of top listed companies cannot be regarded as a critical factor in ranking and decision making on investment.