Unraveling Media Dynamics: Investigating Societal Perspectives via Eike Batista’s Case in Brazil

  •  Gabriela de Abreu Passos    
  •  Mayla Cristina Costa Maroni Saraiva    


This study provides a detailed analysis of the societal roles assigned to Eike Batista by various media platforms throughout his career. By examining newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and social media, the research explores how these diverse communication channels influence public perceptions and highlight critical issues. Media narratives play a crucial role in shaping societal views, affecting the collective imagination, and either reinforcing existing social norms or driving transformative changes. The study highlights how media representations can impact individual and collective identities by constructing and deconstructing public images. The research underscores the media’s significant role in shaping contemporary societal dynamics, emphasizing the need to understand how media-disseminated information influences public perception and the institutionalization of new practices. By analyzing media portrayals of Batista, the study offers insights into the ways media narratives contribute to the construction of societal roles and perceptions. Furthermore, the study addresses a gap in organizational institutional theory by exploring how media narratives affect both collective and individual identities, revealing the media’s influence on societal change. The research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of media on social roles and societal norms through the specific case of Eike Batista.

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