Literature Review in Field of Factors Influencing the Attraction of FDI and Its Spillover Effects

  •  Tsoneva Stefaniya Tsoneva    


The study of FDI and its identification as a specific type of investment activity began in the `60s of the XX century, when under the influence of the beginning of the process of globalization, transnational cooperation began to form, which actively entered the national markets of the countries of the world using FDI. The current study reviews the literature in the field of factors influencing the attraction of FDI. This goal has necessitated the formulation of the following tasks: to investigate the basic theoretical and empirical research; determine the directions of the influence of FDI on the economy of the state; literature research on the side effects of FDI. The main research methods are bibliographic analysis, critical analysis of scientific approaches solving FDI problems, retrospective analysis of literary sources. Most of the scientific literature focuses on the study of individual factors in attracting FDI to the economy of host countries. Simultaneously, the scientific discussion continues among foreign and domestic scientists regarding the formation of an optimal set of factors to stimulate the growth of the inflow of FDI in the economy of the recipient country. According to the results of the study, the author noted the presence of many problematic issues that require further study.

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