The Categorization and Structural Prediction of Transition Metal Carbonyl Clusters Using 14n Series Numerical Matrix

  •  Enos Kiremire    


A matrix table of valence electron content of carbonyl clusters has been created using the 14n-based series. The numbers so generated form an array of series which conform precisely with valence electron contents of carbonyl clusters. The renowned 18 electron rule is a special case of 14n+4 series. Similarly, the 16 electron rule is another special case of the 14n+2 series. Categorization of the carbonyl clusters using the matrix table of series has been demonstrated. The table is so organized that clusters numerically represented can easily be compared and analyzed. The numbers that are diagonally arranged from right to left represent capping series. The row from right to left represents a decrease in valence electron content with increase in cluster linkages. The variation of cluster shapes of constant number of skeletal elements especially four or more may be monitored or compared with the variation with the valence electron content.

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