Solution Properties of Combretum Glutinosum (Habeil) Gum
The solubility of Combretum glutinosum gum in distilled water ranged from 30 to 40% and gel fraction ranges between 60 to 70%. It was found that the gum solubility increased with increase the pH of solution. The reduced viscosity of Gum Habeil in distilled water was increased with decrease the concentration of gum solution, and this is the a behavior of ionic polysaccharide solutions, for that Huggins and Kraemer equations are incapable to derive the intrinsic viscosity value of aqueous gum solution. Some extrapolated equations such as Fouss, Schulz –Blaschke, Martin, Heller, and Fedors equations used to estimate the optimum model for measurement intrinsic viscosity of this type of gum. The influence of ion types and ionic strength on the viscosity of gum solutions were also determined. The effect of ionic strength on the intrinsic viscosity of Combretum glutinosum gum was used to determine the salt tolerance value and the chain stiffness parameters of this type of gum. This study exhibited that the values of chain stiffness parameter (B), and salt tolerance (S) of deacetylated gum in the range of 0.0574 to 0.0700, and0.083 to 0.101 dl× M1/2 / g respectively.