“Spatial Data Analysis for Ground Water Quality Assessment With Special Reference to Fluoride” - A Case Study of Dhar District, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Dinesh Kumar Umak
- Sandeep Kumar Rastogi
- I. C. Das
Water is a prime natural resource and physiological necessity to mankind. Therefore, drinking water must not carry harmful chemicals as well as biological contaminants for the well-being and human health. Some of the chemicals like Fluoride, Iron, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, selenium, and Nitrate in water may produce serious physiological changes when exist beyond permissible concentration.
The Aim of the study was to create spatial map for drinking water purpose for Dhar district, MP. The ground water quality data were collected from PHED, M.P. and IMIS (Ministry of Drinking water & Sanitation) Website,Government of India. The GWQ layers were created separately for each element for Pre-Monsoon and Post-Monsoon period from the well point layers with interpolation technique. Each element wise layer has been categorised into `three catagories (1) potable water in Desirable limits (2) Potable water in permissible limits (3) non-potable ground water, as per BIS standard, 2015. The Union of eight element layers of each pre-monsoon and post-monsoon has been done and integrated pre-monsoon and Integrated post-monsoon Ground Water Quality (GWQ) map have been prepared and after the Union of these two maps, the Final ground water quality map has been prepared. It was concluded from the study, that multiple parameters are affecting the quality of ground water in Dhar district and particularly excess Fluoride, Nitrate, Total Hardness (as Caco3), Iron, pH, and Total Dissolve solids are prevalent in the area. About 69.66% Habitation of Dhar district is severely affected mainly by excess of Fluoride, Nitrate & Total Hardness (as Caco3), pH & Iron(Fe) & It is observed that about 70.51% area of Dhar district has been affected in terms of Ground Water Quality.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/ijc.v14n1p8
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