Information and Communication Technologies Influence on Family Relationship

  •  Lemy Bran Piedrahita    
  •  Karin Romero Ruíz    
  •  Laura Echeverri Sánchez    
  •  Juan Peña Plata    
  •  Stephanía Vásquez Giraldo    
  •  Milady Aguilera Cardona    
  •  Carolina Herazo Avendaño    
  •  Alejandro Valencia Arias    


BACKGROUND: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have affected various dimensions of modern societies, modifying even economic, politic, social and cultural structures. Therefore, it cannot be ignored the positive impacts according to social knowledge appropriation, but even in proper dimensions of social and family relationship, where ICTs usage has been compared with narcotic additions.

OBJECTIVE: Explore how the use of ICTs have impacted the family interaction in Medellin city, 2016.

METHODOLOGY: The study was carried out through an exploratory qualitative and a convenience sampling research. A self-administered instrument supported by a Likert scale was used, applied to a group of residents of Medellin city.

RESULTS: It is observed that although ICTs have enabled a large flow of information that reinforces the nuclear family, particularly children, also have caused a detriment in communication processes and family life, generating sensations that lead to family members perceive a “distant relationship”, which goes against the current family concept.

CONCLUSION: It is pertinent to encourage further researches to evaluate the impact of ICTs on the relationship processes from a qualitative vision and through longitudinal studies, and explore how new technologies have redefined the concepts of family life in modern societies.

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