The Correlation Between Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Identity Among Nurses
- Azizollah Arbabisarjou
- Reza Hajipour
- Mahdi Sadeghian
“The correlation between justice and organizational citizenship behavior and organizational identity among the nurses”, aimed to correlate different aspects of personal feelings and organizational identity in a population of nurses. The population included all nurses working at hospitals affiliated to administry of health, treatment and medical education in Shahre-Kord (Iran) 2009. A sample consisting of 168 nurses was randomly selected out of the population. The study adopted a descriptive-correlative method. The Organizational Justice Questionnaire (1998), the Organizational Citizenship Questionnaire, and Organizational Identity Questionnaire (1982) were used for gathering data. Data was analyzed through multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that 4 dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior (altruism, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and self-development) are correlated with organizational identity (R2 = 0.612); and loyalty and obedience are correlated with distributional justice (R2 = 0.71). Also, loyalty, altruism, and obedience are correlated with procedural justice (R2 = 0.69) and loyalty and self-development are correlated with distributional justice (R2 = 0.89). A correlation was also detected between interactional justice and organizational identity (R2 = 0.89). The findings of the study could serve to identify the factors contributing to the creation and recreation of organizational identity, citizenship behavior and justice among nurses, to promote the performance of the organization, and to achieve organizational goals.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/gjhs.v6n6p252
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