Clinical Leadership for Indonesian Midwifery Three Years Diploma Curricula from Australian Benchmarking

  •  Arijanti Susana Ulnang    
  •  Frans Salesman    


Clinical leadership is the important skill to delivery better service in health care. The skills equip health practitioners to act autonomously, making decision, work collaboratively with other disciplines (Hendricks, Cope, & Harris, 2010). This skills is gained from education or training programs. In Indonesia, Midwifery diploma programs has no curricula attached clinical leadership unit. Meanwhile, graduated midwives is highly expected for being versatile workforce that is ready to be employed in health services with leaderships skills. Therefore, it is essentially important to equip diploma students in Indonesia with clinical leadership skills that incorporate within institutional curriculum. Objectives of this essay are to discuss the clinical leadership training in midwifery diplomas programs discuss how to incorporate clinical leadership training into curricula in Indonesian diploma programs, formulate what will be tough in clinical leadership unit for diploma students, determine when the clinical leadership unit will be tough. Method of this study is qualitative using case study approach. Results the clinical leadership skills that incorporated in midwifery diploma programs in Indonesia is important to develop midwives’ ability in managing complex responsibility in health care and particularly in delivering quality health service. Therefore, Indonesian midwifery organisations and education institutions, policy makers, users should collaborate for the initiation of clinical leadership and it is formed in the curricula.

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