Dietary Recommendations for Active and Competitive Aerobic Exercising Athletes: A Review of Literature

  •  Sylven Masoga    
  •  Gerald P. Mphafudi    


Aerobic exercise is a common sport activity participated by numerous individuals in many parts of the world. Individuals involved in this sport may participate for various reasons, for instance, improved health and weight management while others are involved for competitive purposes. Recommendations, therefore, vary according to the aim and the intensity of the engagement. Depending on the purpose, dietary practices related to the type of foods or meals to be consumed, timing of intake and hydration strategies used by athletes remain important. There is a concern, however, that dietary recommendations for aerobic sport lack scrutiny. It is important for athletes involved in aerobic exercises to adhere to recommendations for them to enjoy their sports engagement while maintaining good health. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to discuss the aerobic exercise nutrition recommendations for aerobic exercising athletes with a specific focus on energy, macro- and micronutrients, nutrients dosing, and timing thereof. 

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