Non Communicable Disease (NCD) as Risk for Disability: Recommendation for Indonesian UHC Program

  •  Siti Isfandari    
  •  Lamria Pangaribuan    
  •  Sri Idaiani    


BACKGROUND: Disability is health condition drives people seek treatment. Information on magnitude of disability and its contributors is important in Indonesian universal health coverage (UHC) era. It is useful for cost estimation, as well as to design type of service needed at the time being and in the future. This research intends to assess magnitude of disability and its non-communicable diseases (NCD) as risk. Disability obtained from WHODAS 2 score.

METHOD: data obtained from 2018 National Health Survey (Riskesdas 2018) sample age 18 – 59, consisted of 528762 respondents. Dependent variable is disability measured using WHODAS2. Independent variables are NCD consist of statements ever diagnosed asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart, stroke, chronic renal failure, and joint disease by healthcare personnel and emotional distress which is score obtained from self-report questionnaire (SRQ) instrument.

STATISTIC ANALYSIS: Validation between disability and 2 diseases was performed using Chi Square analysis. Logistic regression analysis was applied to identify contribution of NCD on disability.

RESULTS: Results show risk of NCD on disability in the working age group of 18–59 years. Stroke and emotional distress are the highest contributors with OR more than 3. Results can serve as input for UHC program to estimate costs of working age health service, including rehabilitation. The Ministry of Health can develop or improve current health system with comprehensive services provision including psychological intervention in rehabilitation.

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