Construction and Validation of a Tool for the Assessment of the Oral Health in Primary Health Care Through the Perspective of Patients

  •  Heriberto Fiuza Sanchez    
  •  Raquel Conceição Ferreira    
  •  Andrea Maria Duarte Vargas    
  •  Marcos Azeredo Furquim Werneck    
  •  Efigênia Ferreira e Ferreira    


OBJECTIVE: To construct and validate a questionnaire to evaluate the quality of oral health services in primary health care, from patients.

METHODS: Initially a theoretical model of evaluation of Primary Health Care was elaborated, based on the evaluation of primary care and integrality in primary care. This model served as the basis for the script of a focus group with patients, aiming to verify the attributes perceived as important for such evaluation. The focus group results substantiated the first version of the questionnaire. Content validation was performed through a committee of experts (five teachers/researchers) and face validation in two pre-tests (37 patients each pre-test). For construct validation, factor analysis was performed and reliability (Kappa coefficient) and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) were verified.

RESULTS: Thirty questions were considered for exploratory factor analysis. The anti-image matrix of covariances showed the need to exclude fourteen questions (values <0.5). After this initial analysis, 16 questions remained in the questionnaire. The KMO test, considering the 16 questions, presented a value of 0.84. Cronbach's alpha was 0.919. The final version contains 16 questions divided into two dimensions: my health unit and the care in my health unit.

CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaire allows a strategy that easily evaluates oral health services in primary care, based on the perception of patients.

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