Recording Data Labour With Documentation Midwifery Partograph Based on Word Electric Browser (WEB)
- Juwita Juwita
- Mardiana Ahmad
- Syafruddin Syarif
- Nasruddin A. Mappaware
- Prihantono Prihantono
- Burhanuddin Bahar
INTRODUCTION: Midwifery documentation is a proof of recording and reporting possessed by midwives in carrying out records in documenting care provided.
MATERIAL & METHODS: The research method used was the comparative study with the comparative descriptive design. The total subjects of 30 mothers in labor were chosen using the purposive sampling technique. The subjects were divided into two groups: 15 of the mothers used the conventional midwifery documentation and 15 of them used the WEB-based. The data were analyzed using the univariate analysis in order to look at the median value, and the bivariate analysis with Mann-Whitney test.
RESULTS: The study results indicated the the highest frequency was found in the WEB-based partograph, namely he filling speed was 26 (86.7%), the highest frequency of partograph filling truth was that of the WEB-based partograph = 25 (83.3%), while the highest Relevance of the data frequency was found in the WEB-based partograph with the data Relevance = 27 (90%). The result of the statistical test had the p value of 0.000, 0.000, and 0.000 (< α = 0.05) meaning there was a difference of the WEB-based midwifery documentation compared to the conventional midwifery documentation.
CONCLUSION: Thus it can be concluded that web-based midwifery documentation is more effective than conventional midwifery documentation. There are differences in the aspects of ease, speed, security and relevance of data to recording labor history data so that it needs to be applied in documenting midwifery care.