The Establishment of the Theme of Evil Through Imagery in Othello

  •  Min Huang    


Othello, hailed as one of four major Shakespeare’s tragedies, is a play in which various types of imagery can be found. As with most of Shakespeare’s plays, the function of imagery is to aid not only characterization but also the reinforcement of the main themes as it helps to convey meaning, establish the dramatic atmosphere of the play and facilitate the audience’s understanding of the play. This essay tends to examine the symbolic and contrasting imagery employed in Othello and discuss its relevance to the theme of evil in the play. In Othello, the symbolic theft and animal images, loaded with evil content and evil intention, are evilly employed to manipulate and destroy others while the contrasting black and white images as well as Othello’s lofty and low images picturesquely highlight the devastating effect of evil. By this approach, the theme of evil is thereby elucidated.

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  • ISSN(Print): 1925-4768
  • ISSN(Online): 1925-4776
  • Started: 2011
  • Frequency: quarterly

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