Identifying and Navigating the Current Trends in Business Librarianship and Data Librarianship

  •  Renee Pistone    


These trends in business librarianship and data librarianship matter for the management of today’s academic libraries and this topic is important to discuss because librarians must respond to the developments in data science and big data. Industry leaders such as Yuanqing Yango, CEO of Lenovo refer to “new IT” and the coming revolution stemming from the usage of smart devices, edge and cloud computing, 5G networks, and (AI) Artificial Intelligence (Lenovo, 2022). Lenovo (2022) researchers undertook a study of 500 Chief Technology Officers (CTOs)from diverse industries to ascertain their perceptions about the future of technology. Both scholars and industry leaders alike agree that the technologies that will dominate will be forged so that humanity can meet the challenges of the future and the control of information will be at the forefront of these changes. Information professionals must learn about and master the technologies that industry leaders are reimagining as innovations that will try to improve our lives because librarianship is becoming increasingly data-driven. Faculty, staff, and students rely on information professionals to help them to understand the role of “new IT” and the opportunities that it creates. We also need more informed professionals because research is data-driven. More decision makers are using big data to make effective organizational decisions. Librarians must be cognizant of the trends that are governing innovations in technology to effectively provide information services to key stakeholders.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1913-8989
  • ISSN(Online): 1913-8997
  • Started: 2008
  • Frequency: semiannual

Journal Metrics

WJCI (2022): 0.636

Impact Factor 2022 (by WJCI):  0.419

h-index (January 2024): 43

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h5-index (January 2024): N/A

h5-median(January 2024): N/A

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