Representation and Reasoning with Probabilistic TCP-nets

  •  Sultan Ahmed    
  •  Malek Mouhoub    


TCP-nets are graphical tools for modeling user's preference and relative importance statements. We propose the Prob-abilistic TCP-net (PTCP-net) model that can aggregate a set of TCP-nets, in a compact form, sharing the same set of variables and their domains but having different preference and relative importance statements. In particular, the PTCP-net is able to aggregate the choices of multiple users such as, in recommender systems. The PTCP-net can also be seen as an extension of the TCP-net with uncertainty on preference and relative importance statements. We adopt the Bayesian Network as the reasoning tool for PTCP-nets especially when answering the following two queries (1) finding the most probable TCP-net and (2) finding the most probable optimal outcome. We also show that the PTCP-net is applicable in collaborative filtering type recommender systems.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1913-8989
  • ISSN(Online): 1913-8997
  • Started: 2008
  • Frequency: semiannual

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