Investigating the Socio-Cultural Impacts in Redevelopment of the Urban Coastal Areas in Mazandaran Province, Iran
- Mohsen Feyzi
- Hashem Hashem Nejad
- Morteza Seddigh
The socio-cultural dimensions of urban coastal areas redevelopment plans have become very important in urban policies. The aim of this paper is to recognize the socio-cultural effects of urban coastal areas redevelopment. For this objective, four dimensions of socio-cultural impacts in urban coastal areas planning are presented: identity and resources, social status, activities and access and coastal areas experience. The four socio-cultural dimensions refer to the various ways of experiencing and using the edges of the sea, river or lake to make an understanding of their qualities to the community. The contents of this typology are presented by analyzing some fundamental features of the coastal areas in southern shorelines of the Caspian Sea.