On the Injustice of the Policy for House Purchasing and Settling--Caution: Two Secessions of 2010 Lowering the Limitations of House Purchasing and Settling
Restarting Policy for House Purchasing and Settling is a good means that the local governments deal with the problems such as weakness of property market, declination of purchase will of the customers and downturn of the stock market, so the NPC and CPPCC sessions suggest to deduce the limitations of Policy for House Purchasing and Settling in the small and middle cities and towns. But this policy brings more disadvantages (such as overload of city ecological environment, public power’s interference with the market rules, accelerating the unfairness of society and its legitimacy, etc.) than advantages (increase of the local governments’ financial revenue, improvement of urban landscape and offering more jobs). The disadvantages are much more than the advantages that can make short-term positive effects, which proves the injustice of the policy, so it should be terminated as soon as possible.