Job Performance and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Nurses
- Anita Sharma
- Anupam Verma
- Dalip Malhotra
The current study was an attempt to examine the role of chronic fatigue syndrome in job performance of nurses by comparing with normal group. A total sample of 100 nurses from IGMC, Shimla (HP) was drawn for the purpose out of which 50 were suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and 50 were normal. The main findings point to the following facts: (i) On the indices of job performance viz., punctuality, public dealing, efficiency, nursing knowledge and interpersonal communication, normal group has been rated significantly higher by their doctors as compared to the CFS nurses with t-values being 4.34** p<.01; 8.22** p<.01; 7.03** p<.01; 2.32* p<.05 and 2.17* p<.05 respectively. (ii) On the variable of obedience, no significant difference was observed. (iii) Overall, there was significant difference between CFS and normal nurses on total job performance score with t value = 3.97** p<.01. The results clearly reveal the deleterious effects of CFS on the job performance.