Analysis of Regional Trade Block and Agricultural Productivity: Impact of SAFTA (South Asian Free Trade Agreement) on Economic Growth of Pakistan by Using CGE Model
- Muhammad Shahzad Iqbal
- Imamuddin Khoso
- Amir Hussain Shar
- Faiz Muhammad Shaikh
The current research highlights the trade among under the regime of South Asian Free Trade Agreements specially focus on trade with India. The Regional Block trade has given importance to the host as well receiving countries. Data were collected from various secondary sources and analysis by using Computable General Equilibrium model by using GEM pack. The regional trade among the Block countries are given absolutely and comparative advantage among various countries in the Blocks. The recent trade development shows positive results among the member countries specially in the context of free trade among South Asian Countries. ASEAN, NAFTA, MESUER trade gaining importance in the world and regional block trade has effect on the economies of the country. It was revealed that block trade has positive impact not only the countries economy but also welfare of the importing and host countries among the regional bloack.