Iranian Diaspora: With focus on Iranian Immigrants in Sweden
Based on international data, nowadays, one of the every thirty-five people is living away from his/her homeland. In this respect, the United Nation has called current century an era of greatest human displacement in the history. In the last decades Iran was one of ten top migrant's receiver and sender society. Although there is no precise statistics about Iranians abroad, but according to formal speech, three-five millions of Iranians are dispersed around the world (Diaspora). Thus, studying those social problems by local researchers of social sciences is quite essential, because most of internal researches related on motivations and tendencies (potential immigrants), with a general focus on elites. There have been few studies on the Iranian immigrants and their social issues. This research employs Mixed Methods that integrates questionnaire, narrative interviews, observations, and participant observations. This paper mainly focuses on social problems of Iranian immigrants in Sweden, including employment, marriage, divorce, promoting education after immigration, immigration timing and reasons, satisfaction of life (family, income, and job) and immigrant's attitudes about the behavior of the host society toward them, adaptation, feeling as outsiders, and willingness to return to homeland.