Research on Religious Dissemination in Universities
Dissemination of religion is a serious challenge to the management of universities in our country. According to the literature review, authors of this article sort out the proportion of students in part of universities who have religious beliefs, and get the result that the proportion of such students is approximately ten percent. In the mean time, the authors made a deep analysis of features religious dissemination in the dissemination subject, dissemination mode and dissemination means. It is found that Christianity has become the subject of religious the dissemination in universities, mass communication has turned to be the major means and platform for religions to be disseminated in universities and such interpersonal dissemination forms as "family gathering", indirect contact and E-mail, etc, have become the primary forms of religious dissemination. Furthermore, they pointed out, leaders of universities should attach great importance to modernization, concealment and diversification of religious dissemination in universities and try to deal with them as the circumstances may require.