Identification and Analysing the Regional Role’ Determinants of Qatar in the Middle East
- Nouf Saud Al-Maatouk
- Mohamed Kamal
Studying the potentials of the regional role of Qatar has a big importance as a result of expanding and increasing this role, especially after the changing in its directions which draw the attention for interesting and study. Therefore this study aimed to investigate the determinants of the Qatari regional role towards the Middle East countries, especially the Arab countries in the absence of the big regional partners- Egypt and Saudi Arabia, also determine the factors, bases, tools and characteristics of this determinants that influencing the strength and expansion of this role in the region. The study concluded that Qatar as a small state and its geographic size didn’t enhance the determinants for acting as a regional force, but Qatar occupies a central place in the territory of the Middle East region, in addition to Physical force, and political statesmanship can be substituted in the diplomatic game management, all the way to the strategic goals and the task of maintaining the state and its political system that burgles them, not by the big powers, but by competing regional powers to dominate the region. Thus, it utilize its strategic site and invested in the appropriate opportunities which have been provided after the Arab Spring.