A B2C Business Agenda: Analyzing Customers’ Perceptions towards Bumiputera Retailers
- Norudin Mansor
- Siti Haryati Shaikh Ali
In business retailing, the exploration of studies on consumer demographics, behaviour, attitude and attribute are useful as a framework for profiling consumer’s ultimate choice in retail purchasing. Using data that we cross-sectionally investigated, this paper seeks to analyse customer perception towards business retailing activities of the Bumiputeras. Focusing in the state of Terengganu, 359 samples were selected among the public. Out of seven districts in the state of Terengganu, three are being chosen, representing developed, developing and less developing districts. The independent variables understudied include quality of service, attitude, interest, and risk of spending at Bumiputera retail stores. All of those are tested against customers’ perception towards Bumiputera retail store, which will serve as a dependent variable. The results demonstrate that there are significant relationship between service quality, attitude, risk and attitude towards the perception of local customers towards the perception of local customers towards business retailing of the Bumiputeras. If Bumiputeras retailers were to competitively enjoying being as the market players they should therefore acquire more initiatives and adopting strategies of continuous improvement of the above constructs for strongly positioning them in the expanding market.