Investigating the Moderating Role of Enjoyment in the Relationship between Brand Image, Service Quality, and Convenience in Search and Purchase Behaviour in Multichannel Retailing
- Hamideh Bagheri
- Meysam Hemmatishabani
Multi-channel shopping is a purchasing pattern by which consumers use multiple channels, such as the Internet, catalogue, mobile, and brick-and-mortar stores, to make purchases. The aim of this research was to investigate the factors affecting search online and purchase offline. Data collection was conducted using an online survey administered to a consumer panel in the US. Retrospective sampling was adopted for the study and the sampling framework for the present research consisted of consumers who had recent shopping experience with the offline channel and search experience using the online channel of a retailer. The results illustrated that all research question are not significant and were not effective on search online and purchase offline; however, brand image on online and offline channel had a significant effect on attract consumers to search online and purchase offline. This study had that consumer perception and satisfaction with service, brand image, and convenience has positive and significant effects on future intentions to search online and purchase offline. This study showed the role of search online as a mediator in the relationship between brand image, service quality, and convenience with offline purchase.