The Effect of Psychosocial Work Environment on Psychological Strain among Banking Employees in Malaysia
- Nurul Farhana Mohd Noordin
- Siti Aisyah Panatik
This study was conducted to examine the psychosocial work environment dimensions as predictors of psychological strain among bank employees specifically bank tellers. The restructuring of financial institutions exposed banking employees to stressful conditions such as unfeasible sales target, lower salaries, high workload and job insecurity. These conditions lead to adverse health outcomes. The researcher integrated the effort-reward imbalance model and the organizational justice model as the psychosocial work environment dimensions that represent the stressful working condition. Thus, these dimensions were hypothesized to affect psychological strain in terms of anxiety, depression and social dysfunction. The data was collected quantitatively by distributing questionnaires to employees in a Malaysian domestic bank. A total number of 306 respondents participated in this study. The data was analysed by performing structural equation modeling using AMOS 22. The finding indicates that effort, reward, overcommitment, procedural justice and interactional justice significantly affect psychological strain. Only effort-reward ratio was not significant in predicting psychological strain. These findings added the empirical evidence in the stress-strain literature that involves psychosocial work environment specifically among banking employees in Malaysian context.