Game Theory and the Unrest in Thai Southern Border Provinces

  •  Auschala Chalayonnavin    


The unrest in the three southern border provinces of Thailand which occurred in January, 2004 has been reviewed by several different groups of people, especially from the view of the high-level civil servants and politicians. After the problem started, the main inevitable question raised by the society concerned the motives of those individuals or the terrorists who were behind the attack. In this particular case, a generic social theory may not be able to explain the phenomenon of the situation. The members of the public were given various types of information by the state and by other players in the game and were in a “not knowing the enemy and not knowing themselves” interaction with other players. Therefore, through applying the game theory to the unrest in the south of Thailand, people would be able to apply a different aspect of information to make sense of the situation and create a new strategic relationship in the economic interaction with the state and other game players. The interaction, in this case, is the "game" itself.

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