Studying Psychological Aspects of New Methods of Teaching Effectiveness on Higher Education of Iran
- Maryam Rahimi Mand
- Abbas Abbaspour
Making changes and innovation in teaching methods at higher education centers is a routine matter; in such a way that at the present time in many higher educational centers and universities of all over the world these changes can be seen. Meanwhile building motivation for achievement is among issues that researchers are giving more attention to. The present research was conducted with purpose of studying effect of the four teaching methods namely, group discussion, question and answer, demonstration, and lecture on creativity, achievement motivation and academic progress among university students. This research was a Quasi-experimental one. Statistical sample included 270 students of Alborz Farhangian University who were selected by using stratified random sampling method. Assessment tools included Hermense Achievement Motivation Inventory, Abedi Creativity Inventory and academic progress test which were developed by the authors. In order to analyze the data, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Turkey post hoc tests were used. Results of analyses showed that the students in discussion group had higher achievement motivation, creativity and academic progress than other groups. On this basis methods of result, question and answer and lecture methods were respectively effective on students’ achievement motivation, creativity and academic progress, But not as much as discussion group.