Technical Skills Evaluation Based on Competency Model for Human Resources Development in Technical and Vocational Education
- Kahirol Mohd Salleh
- Nor Lisa Sulaiman
The purpose of this paper is to advance discussion of the function of the competency model for the technical skills evaluation and preparation of human resource and workers in organization. Human resources development is one of the important elements that determine the status of a country, whether it is recognized as a developed, developing or underdeveloped country. To realize it vision to be a developed country by the year 2020, Malaysia had planned, carried out and developed its human resources through Technical and Vocational Education (TVE). The competency-based education, which has been introduced in TVE, is a new approach in producing not only quality and expert human resources but also technical workers that possess high competency in behavioral and thinking with regard to technical tasks. A few competency models can be applied as evaluation and assessment system in order to evaluate the technical competency of human resources. Model for Human Resource Development (HRD) Practice is proposed to determine the evaluation and assessment system that can gauge worker competency in carrying out tasks related to technical skills.