Application of Halalan Tayyiban in the Standard Reference for Determining Malaysian Halal Food
- Sazelin Arif
- Safiah Sidek
The increase number of cases on the misuse of halal logo and questionable status of halal food has raised manyconcerns among the Muslim consumers regarding the status of halal food in Malaysia. The various reports onthe issues of fraud in halal food also indicate that there are weaknesses in the procedure of determining halalfood. In this case, an investigation on the procedures and standard reference used by the Department of IslamicDevelopment Malaysia (JAKIM) to determine halal food in Malaysia needs to be conducted in order to gain theconsumer’s trust and confidence on JAKIM’s logo. This study advocates that the concept of halalan tayyibanshould be used as the framework to determine halal products as it considers both the physical and spiritualbenefits of the food to mankind. So far, it has not been proven that the standard references used by JAKIM areconsistent with this concept. Specifically, this study aimed to investigate the application of halalan tayyiban inthe standards and procedures used by JAKIM to determine halal food in Malaysia. For this purpose, aframework for determining halal food based on the concept of halalan tayyiban has been developed. Four mainstandard references used by JAKIM, namely the Malaysian Standard MS 1500, MS 1480, MS 1514, Halal FoodManual Procedures, Food Acts 1983 and Food Regulations 1985 were then analysed based on the developedframework. Additionallly, semi-structured interviews were conducted with selected key personnel from JAKIMto verify the application of halalan tayyiban in the procedure of issuing halal food certification. This studyrevealed that the standard references used by JAKIM were consistent with the concept of halalan tayyiban. Thepractice taken by JAKIM’s personnel to issue the halal food certification also conformed to the concept ofhalalan tayyiban. It can be concluded that JAKIM has applied the concept of halalan tayyiban in determininghalal food in Malaysia. These findings help to improve the consumers’ confidence on the food determined ashalal by JAKIM. They also contribute to development of the well-being and sustainability of a community,especially the Muslim community.