The Structure of Method Section in Engineering Research Articles
- Nurul Farahin Musa
- Noorli Khamis
- Jano Zanariah
Genre analysis is one of the common ways to analyse the rhetorical structure of a text. Previously, there aremany genre analysis and rhetorical organisation studies on research articles (RAs) from different disciplines.Some of them focused on the whole RAs and some of them focused on certain sections of the RAs. This studyattempts to identify the moves in the Method section of the Engineering RAs, and the most frequent verbs in themoves. The present study adopts a corpus-based analysis; 60 RAs from an Engineering discipline were retrievedfrom the Scopus websites. The Method section framework from Huang (2014) was adopted for the analysis. Thefindings suggest that there are crucial moves in the Method section of the Engineering RAs, which need to beadopted by the writers to enhance not only their discourse competency, but also to meet the readers’ expectationof the text readability.