The Role of Learning Approaches as Mediator between Peer Social Support and Self-Regulated Learning among Engineering Undergraduates
- A. Hafzan
- A. Aida Nasirah
- A. Norida
- H. Kalthom
This study examines the relationship between peer perceived social support, learning approaches and dimensionsin self-regulated learning. This study employed a quantitative method through a survey using questionnaireswhich were distributed to a total of 93 engineering undergraduates from the Universiti Teknikal MalaysiaMelaka. The Revised Study Process Questionnaire, LASSI and Multidimensional Perceived Social Support wereused to measure students’ beliefs about self-regulatory processes, knowledge, learning approaches, andperceived social support from peers. Statistical test for mediation was conducted using a series of regressionanalyses. Results indicate that out of nine dimensions of self-regulated learning, only three dimensions i.e.information processing (r=.22, p<.05), motivation (r=.37, p<.01), and self-testing (r=.32, p<.01) that were foundto be significantly associated with only deep learning approach dimension. Peer perceived social support wasfound to be associated with students’ information processing (r=.31, p<.01) and motivation (r=.26, p<.01). Itshows that peers also have significant role in the development of students’ ability in processing the informationand promote students’ needs of achievement. Based on the findings, the following theoretical and practicalapplications are suggested in order to be applied specifically among engineering undergraduates.