Knowledge and Practice for Implementing Internal Halal Assurance System among Halal Executives
- Muhammad Haziq Hassan
- Sazelin Arif
- Safiah Sidek
Food premises that have secured the Halal Certification should comply with the requirements of the InternalHalal Assurance System (IHAS) in their premises. Internal Halal Assurance System (IHAS) is a system thatensures the integrity of halal food at the processing stage, thereby ensuring the production of halal and qualityfood. Although there is an increase in the number of food premises receive the Halal certificate by the MalaysianIslamic bodies, the continuous implementation of the IHAS at the respective food premises is still questionable.To ensure a sustainable practice of complying with the Halal certification system, this study aimed to investigatethe knowledge and skills of the implementing the IHAS among the executives at the respective food premises.This study adopted a qualitative research approach using interview technique on 39 executives at the halal foodpremises throughout the State of Malacca. It was found that the halal executives implemented the IHAS mainlybased on their knowledge in Islam as they lack of knowledge on the requirements of IHAS. Therefore, it issuggested that they should be given continuous training so that a sustainable implementation of IHAS at the foodpremises can be achieved. This can contribute to the good practice of delivering quality and safe food at the foodpremises.