Methodology for Integral Evaluation of Human Development Level as Exemplified by the Leading Countries of Asia-Pacific Region and European Union

  •  Natalia Victorovna Kuznetsova    
  •  Ekaterina Victorovna Kocheva    


The authors examine evolution of approach towards understanding of human capital and qualitativetransformation of human’s role in economics, conditioned by the transition to post-industrial society.Neo-classical approach has a special role in development of human capital theory. Examining human capital as asource economic growth of any country, the authors point out qualitative perfection of human potential. Thearticle introduces methodology for integral evaluation of level of human development exemplified by the leadingcountries of Asia-Pacific Region an European Union. In addition, complex evaluation of human capitaldevelopment is discussed as a two-side process: from one side, it is a formation of human abilities and skills,from the other side – realization of gained abilities and skills for the use of production or for recreation, cultural,political activity. Several key points of human development are pointed out for the purposes of a complexevaluation of human potential.Authors’ methodology of calculation of human development index is distinguishable from conventionalmethodology by at least one main principle: the authors believe that conducted experimental calculations mightprovide the most complete idea of human development from the point of view of three interconnectedcharacteristics: human capital, human resources, and evaluation of conditions for formation and implementationof abilities and skills of a person.

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