Place of Private Pension Funds in the Financial Market
- Natalia Borisovna Pochinok
- Galina Ivanovna Andryushchenko
- Margarita Vitalievna Savina
- Alexander Nikolaevich Maloletko
Contemporary Russian pension system was influenced by the social, economic and demographic factors, astypical in most developed countries and only our country. Development of the pension system only within thestate pension insurance for 20 years has shown its failure, in connection with what has recently acquired greatimportance to private pension funds, the impetus for the development of which was the delegation of functionsto manage pension funds and legislative approval of government guarantees repayment of funds insured personsPrivate pension funds, taking into account potential investment opportunities can take a significant niche in theRussian financial market in solving a number of currently available economic and socio-political problems.