Deformation of the Self-consciousness of Adolescents as a Consequence of Psychological Addiction to Computer Games

  •  Inna V. Petrova    
  •  Galina I. Efremova    
  •  Elena V. Belovol    
  •  Angelina A. Shagurova    


This paper is devoted to the problem of psychological addiction to video games. Features of influence of video games on the self-consciousness of adolescents are indicated. Distinctions between dependent behavior and a condition of preoccupation with video games are specified. Results of work which was carried out in Russia are designated. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of computer games on the “self-image” teenagers. 233 adolescents aged 13-15 years acted in quality of probationers. The author's modification of the semantic differential was used to test assumptions about the similarity of “self-ideal” image and the image of the computer hero in adolescents, overly fascinated by video games. Factor analysis and cluster analysis was used as methods of data processing. The analysis of the content of modern popular video games was carried out. Features of the preventive work with adolescents, who are prone to addiction to video games, are described.

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